Our Mission
Our mission is to help you improve your dog's wellness by baking a better treat for your dog.
At Dog Mamma’s we believe that what we feed our dogs does matter to their health and well-being and we believe in the right to know what is in our pet’s food.


the USA

a Cause

Better for our planet

Our small batch treats are handcrafted and USDA Organic Certified. We bake them with real fruits and vegetables, all grown without the use of harmful pesticides, synthetic fertilizers, radiation or GMO's. Just CLEAN ingredients and treating for your dog.
We made the decision to become USDA Organic Certified because we believe that eating organic IS better for our pets. We believe in the transparency of 3rd party certification and really KNOWING how our pet's food is grown and produced.
When you chose to purchase USDA Organic Certified foods your are supporting in a meaningful way those farmers and businesses who have made a commitment to sustainable, eco-friendly farming and producing practices, and are all committed to following the rigorous guidelines established by the USDA National Organic Program.
Just deliciously simple, wholesome goodness for your dog.
Better for our pets. Better for our planet.
Why Do We It
I just wanted something better for my dogs and I wanted to know. I also believe that many times it is HOW our food is grown that causes issues for pets and humans. Consuming food grown with chemicals, GMO's, harmful pesticides and radiation can lead to adverse reactions and poor health, often labeled as allergies. It is often HOW the food is grown and processed that our pets have the adverse reaction to and resulting poor health. Reducing the amount of chemicals and additives our pets consume will lead to better health. 3rd party USDA Organic Certification gives us a trusted source for knowing that our treats are free from these harmful elements in both the production and farming process.
I began competing in dog sports almost 10 years ago, and quickly realized that I couldn’t feed my canine athletes junk food and that there was a LOT of highly processed junk food for dogs on the market. I believe that the quality of the ingredients and how they were grown and handled before we give them to our dogs makes a huge impact on a dog’s overall health and wellness.
So, I began the journey to create a tasty snack for dogs in my own kitchen by baking treats the same way you would make homemade cookies for your own family. When it came to the ingredients I used, I made the decision early on to use only USDA certified organic ingredients. I wanted clean ingredients that were grown using sustainable, organic farming practices. As of summer of 2021, we have made the commitment to verifying our process and ingredients and all of our recipes are now USDA Organic Certified and carry the trusted green USDA seal on the bag.
We Walk The Walk
If you are going to talk the talk of "all natural" and organic you need to be able to walk the walk.
We are committed to the transparency of 3rd party certification of the USDA National Organic Program. That means that EVERY SINGLE INGREDIENT in each of our recipes is grown and produced under the strict guidelines of the National Organic Program. We have traceability on each and every thing. We know where and how it was grown and that it was inspected and certified to meet the USDA Organic Guidelines - which means, no synthetic fertilizers, harmful pesticides, GMO's, radiation, artificial colors, processing aids or other harmful ingredients.
USDA Organic is more than the farming - it is how it is handled. We bake our treats in a bakery that is certified by the USDA National Organic Program and that undergoes their rigorous guidelines and inspections. It is also a certified Gluten Free, Peanut Free, Certified Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, Soy Free, Dairy Free bakery. We walk the walk.
Who we do it for
For each of us, our dogs occupy that special place in our hearts, and they are here with us for a relatively short time. Keeping them healthy and able to enjoy a long full life begins with what we feed them.
I did it for my own dogs and for your dog too. While we like to think we can make homemade all the time, sometimes there just aren't enough hours in the day. I wanted to make it easier for other dog lovers to treat their dogs with purpose and intention.
Staying True
Our mission is to help you make better treat choices for your dog by providing deliciously simple organic treats and supporting sustainable farming, clean eating for your dog and your right to know.
And the #1 Question we get?
Is That your dog on the bag?
Why, yes that is! Our girl Biddy is featured on the bag. The logo for our company is taken from the first Best of Breed win she and I had together back in 2013. She will forever be my heart dog. She took me on so many amazing adventures, and through her I have met so many wonderful friends that have become like family. She challenged me to learn new things and do things I didn’t think I could do. I will be forever grateful for the love of this amazing and wonderful dog ~ GCHB CH Dogwood Hollow A Little Bit of Heaven JH ~ Biddy ❤️

If you have a question, please don't hesitate to reach out either by e-mail or phone. We invite you to follow us on instagram and facebook where we talk dogs, canine nutrition, fitness and all things dog. And of course, share photos of our dogs!
We want to see your dog!!!! Tag us on our IG @dogmammas #treatintentionally #dogmammas #dogmammastreats